Template design and structure
Templates are written in HTML with Handlebars and CSS with features like variables from pre-processors like sass and stylus.
HTML + Handlebars
Handlebars templates look like regular HTML, with embedded handlebars expressions.
You can learn more about Handlebars at the oficial website
Allowed HTML tags
a | abbr | address | area | article |
aside | b | bdi | bdo | blockquote |
br | button | caption | cite | code |
col | colgroup | datalist | dd | del |
details | dfn | dialog | div | dl |
dt | em | fieldset | figcaption | figure |
footer | form | h1 | h2 | h3 |
h4 | h5 | h6 | header | hr |
i | img | input | ins | kbd |
keygen | label | legend | li | main |
mark | menu | menuitem | meter | nav |
ol | optgroup | option | output | p |
param | pre | progress | q | rp |
rt | ruby | s | samp | section |
select | small | span | strong | sub |
summary | sup | table | tbody | td |
textarea | tfoot | th | thead | time |
tr | u | ul | var | wbr |
Allowed SVG tags
svg | g | defs | desc | title |
symbol | use | switch | path | rect |
circle | ellipse | line | polyline | polygon |
text | tspan | tref | textPath | altGlyph |
glyphRef | altGlyphItem | altGlyphDef |